You’ve got questions? We have answers!

Frequently asked questions

The following answers to frequently asked questions on the subject areas should help applicants to prepare their applications.

How is the request processed and what documents are required?

The following documents are required:


· Project description (Businessplan)
· Credit-related documents, Balance sheets (International Financial Reporting Standards)
· Complete and correctly filled in request form


Please complete the online request here.

How long is the processing time?

The average processing time are 3-5 working-days.

What are the processing fees?

The examination of your request is free.


A takeover of advisory mandates by EXCIF will only take place if we are convinced that the task can be solved successfully. This presupposes that all necessary information is made available to EXCIF in order to be able to assess the starting position.

What kind of projects are you prefering?

Our focus is on…

· Projects that are ecologically sustainable
· Renewable energy projects
· Projects in which the human being is in the foreground
· Projects that respect nature and the environment
· Projects that create value and jobs
Do you need help?

Call our hotline directly:

+49 (0) 2361 3840561

If you want to know more

Come and see us so we can tell you more about how we work.
